How Long Does Eyebrow Microblading Take?
Let’s get this straight: microblading is in style now. If you want to try something new that also goes with the trend, I am sure you have thought about it at least once.
Most people go for eyebrow microblading these days. But many are skeptical because of the lack of proper knowledge. Above all, it is about making a change to your body, so you should be 200% sure before deciding on it.
One of the first concerns is time – how long microblading takes. The eyebrow microblading procedure along takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. Then, following a touchup session after some time, it will take 30 minutes to an hour.
The article will revolve around everything about the time duration required by eyebrow microblading. Since you have the preview now, let’s get into the main discussion.
What Is The Eyebrow Microblading Process?
Eyebrow microblading, a semi-permanent procedure, works on filling the gaps in your brow hairs so that they appear fuller.
You can have dark, fluffy brows and can still enlarge them if you want. You have blonde brows? Always dreamt of adding color? Eyebrow microblading says hi to you.
If you have the alopecia and long for brows, microblading will do that for you too. It is for anyone who desires to give it a shot.
However, if you are concerned about the physical pain, do not worry much. It is not painless but not excruciating either. It feels like a little knife cutting into your skin repeatedly to replicate each hair needed to make a tattoo on the browline.
The artist will apply some numbing gel to reduce the pain, although it is not that helpful. It will sting and cause discomfort.
How Many Sessions Of Microblading Do You Need?
Only 2 sessions will do. You can get your eyebrows changed as you desire after attending 2 treatment sessions.
The first one is the central part where they craft and style your look carefully. In the second one, they will touch up the brows to make necessary adjustments and give them an apt finishing.

How Long Does Microblading Take?
When you attend the first eyebrow microblading session, the whole process will not take more than 3 hours. During this time, the technician will spend some time shaping and styling your brows for your approval.
The next step is about selecting a pigment color. Once you make the choices, the artist will commence the procedure.
After the process finishes, the artist will ask you to follow up in case of small, necessary touchups. That second session will occur 1 and 1.5 months after the first one. It will not take more than an hour. However, depending on the finishing, it may stretch to a couple of hours.
Is It Necessary To Follow Up On The Touchup Session?
Of course! You cannot neglect it. A touchup session is mandatory within 4 to 6 weeks as healing and outcomes vary among individuals.
The artist will need to refill certain areas that did not turn out well in the main procedure. Plus, if your pigment color needs adjustments or your brows need more strokes for perfect thickness, they will call for a new session.
If you have oily skin, you need a touchup more than others because your brows will require deeper shades once the oil lightens your pigment color.
More importantly, the touchup session is about refinement. An artist cannot perfect the microblading at their first attempt because healing, skin texture, and other factors impact the outcome significantly. When you go for a new session, they can see which areas need more work and go on about them accordingly.
If you choose not to go for it, you can. But be mindful of the consequences: first, your brows will not look as well as you would expect. And secondly, you will have to face the odds that they will not stay fresh even for a year.
Is It Possible To Get The Touchup Session Earlier Than A Month?
It is possible but not recommended. The pigment needs at least 4 weeks to settle into your skin. More importantly, it is for preventing scar damage since your tissues need time to heal sufficiently.
Final Words
It does not take that long to have your eyebrows microbladed. You need only 2 sessions, none of which will take more than 3 hours of your time.
The important thing to note here is to prioritize the touchup session as much as the first one. It is for righting all the wrongs that occurred in the beginning procedure or due to healing. There is no other way around it if you want your brows done flawlessly. Best of luck!